Look good, feel good. We’ve all heard it eh? Maybe even laughed at it?
The look-good, feel-good movement has been around a long time and typically rears its head in January, covered in shakes, protein bars, and weight loss clinics designed to guilt the living beejeezus out of you. Not. Cool.
The reality is that if you FEEL good, you LOOK good!
Victoria Stag started because people with curves were not being listened to! Curves don’t mean you don’t enjoy the awesome power of the feels that movement brings and it sure as heck doesn't mean you don’t deserve to look good while moving!
Mental health plays a huge role in feeling good and moving. How many times have you thought about going for a walk only to look out the window and think ‘too hot, too cold, too stuffed’ and then feel like crud? Yep, we’ve all been there and it’s a cycle. The good news is it’s a cycle you can break.
Every journey to good mental health and wellbeing starts with a single step. Literally. When you start your fitness journey, take it easy and celebrate the small wins. Form a regular routine to take away the ‘too much’ excuse. You’ll find that when you exercise, you’ll feel good and when you feel good you’ll exercise more. The next thing you know you’ve started a new cycle.
To help get you started, we have a program that will get that single step happening. The principle of the Victoria Stag Movement program is simple: Get started and get your confidence up. Our program will help you do just that. Really simple exercises and only the floor stuff. It’s just your body and enjoying the good feels that movement brings.
Guess you’re waiting for the classic ‘so what are you waiting for?’ tagline huh? Nope… when you’re ready, we’re ready to join you on that first step.
Learn more about Victoria Stag Exercise and Movement Program.